Unlike others, we manufacture locally in our factory at the foot of the Blue Mountains in Penrith. Expert craftspeople use original techniques with modern innovations.
Beware of low-quality imitations and fake synthetic ‘sheepskin’. We use real skins, hides, leather and suede – all by-products of Australia’s meat industry.
With us, you buy directly from the maker, so we personally stand behind the quality 100%, cut no corners and pride ourselves on long-lasting style.
When you take home a Blue Mountains Boot, you take home a piece of Australian history and join our global family. Four generations in the business and going strong.
Yes, we love traditional booties, but we also get excited about new creations! Summer boots, outdoor soles, slippers, limited editions and much more.
Personalised gifts, branded promos, dance school boots, his & hers… customise your products with text, images, bling and colours. Learn more.
We invite you to come and browse our beautiful new store – made with reclaimed timber and furniture – and refresh with our coffee cart sitting alongside the original shack.
All the fun stuff! Bed socks, plush toys, Aussie souvenirs, t-shirts, clothes, native novelties, baby wear and funny signs… lots online, lots more in store.
While you’re here, the world-renowned Blue Mountains on our doorstep are definitely worth a visit for a day-trip, weekend or week! From Wentworth Falls and Scenic World to The Three Sisters and Jenolan Caves.
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